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In Conversation with Ennui.BOMB's Rishu Singh Ahead of New Wave Musicfest

interviews Dec 24, 05:39pm

The Mumbai indie artist manager and event organizer looks back at 2015 and says Bengaluru has got a double treat this holiday season

Rock Street Journal: What has the year 2015 been like for Ennui.Bomb?

Rishu Singh: This year has been brilliant for us! Truly. We've done shit from helping organize belly-dancing festivals to killer metal gigs and monthly hip hop gigs to gigs in Cherrapunji. It's truly been crazy!

RSJ: You had the Shine a Light Festival just last month and now you've got the New Wave Festival - what's it like planning two back-to-back festivals?

Rishu: Shine A Light is not mine or ennui.BOMB's. It belongs to the Shine A Light's beautifully passionate and super awesome team back there in the North East. Atanu and team make it happen. We just helped where we could because this place needs to be seen and experienced, in the the rock & roll way. Big ups to the organizers for inviting us to be a part of it. Next year will be sexier, just see!

RSJ: The Vans New Wave Musicfest has shifted out of Goa this year. Is it going to be a traveling festival?

Rishu: Vans New Wave was always conceptualised as a "travelling festival". The intention is to work with as many local acts we can afford as possible along with getting down some awesome Asian indie music. Next year the festival will be in a new place, and hopefully always so.

RSJ: What was the thought behind making it a multi-venue half-indoor festival?

Rishu: I think we are lucky to get some amazing venues for Vans New Wave, both last year and now. This year we have some super venues as our partners. The Humming Tree has always been the go-to place for the best indie music and very passionately supportive of the music scene. PLaY Arena and Xtreme Sports Bar are perfect for us because they combine all the benefits of skateboarding, live music, graffiti and air-conditioning. It just feels right.


RSJ: You've got international acts from Asia coming down for this as well - what was the idea behind making it Asia-specific? In your experience, have you noticed Asian bands expressing an interest to play in India?

Rishu: Just to clarify, while we are focussed on Asian talent. Vans New Wave is never going to shy away from hosting artists from all over the globe. There is an obvious lack in cross promoting artists from across Asia. We never hear the Sky Rabbits or The Supersonics from our neighbouring countries. With Vans New Wave, the intention is to change that. Almost all of the bands that we've spoken to have been more than forthcoming about coming to India and excited about it. Next year will be some more Asian music coming to our shores for sure.    


RSJ: After New Wave, you've got the ninth edition of Control Alt Delete coming up - that too in Bengaluru. Have you been hearing a few complaints about the move?

Rishu: Not complaints at all. Just sad laments of people saying they won't be able to make it. And those who care will be there regardless. We are stoked to bring this awesome lineup to Bangalore and we are pretty confident about the right people supporting it. Here's to more daanpetis and more music!


RSJ: That basically makes two events you're trusting with the Bengaluru crowd - which event was finalized first - New Wave or CAD? Did one decision affect the other?

Rishu: CAD. And not at all. CAD and Vans New Wave are two delicious treats Bangalore is getting for the holiday season. Everyone should just make the most of it.


RSJ: Since it's the end of the year, I'd like to ask what your five favourite releases (both international and Indian) have been.

Rishu: FuzzCulture NO., AswekeepsearchingKhwaab, Soak – Before We Forgot How to Dream, Tame Impala – Currents and The Broadway Addicts – No Act.


RSJ: What's coming up in 2016 for Ennui.BOMB?

Rishu: I'm personally very kicked about a contemporary folk fusion/world music property that we are looking at kicking off from February. It's also the tenth year for Stupiditties, with the next CAD also being the tenth one in the series. Both of which will be quite special. Vans New Wave will be bigger better and more beautiful. Our regular hip hop nights and BOMB Thursdays will continue and spread to other cities. It's going to be a fun year!       

Buy tickets for the Vans New Wave Musicfest on Insider.

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